How to Upload an App to Google Play Store?

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Smartphones are one of the essential gadgets used by users nowadays. It is seen that over 60 percent of people sleep with their phones by their side and check it first thing in the morning. Considering the romance between users, and smartphones, startups, and Mobile App Development Company have successfully cashed the opportunity by developing mobile apps for almost everything. Almost all businesses, including retail stores, have mobile apps to keep their audience committed. And what better platform to reach billion of users than the Google App Store? If you are wondering how you can submit an app to Google Play Store, then this blog will help guide you!

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What is the Google Play Store?

Google Play Store is the official app store used for uploading apps for Android or iOS devices, developed and maintained by Google. This is one of the largest marketplaces for uploading mobile apps and one of the easiest ways to present your mobile app to a broad audience. To publish your app on the Google app store, you need to create a Google developer account.

How can one create an Android app?

There are many ways to create an Android mobile app. Developers can build a mobile app using the programming languages like Java or the newer Kotlin. One can develop Android frontend (UIs) with React Native, Flutter, and other cross-platform languages. If you are not a developer, Backendless and other no-code platforms endeavor visual app development tools that can be used to build Android or iOS apps without writing code yourself.

Backendless is also known as a “low-code platform” meaning you can connect Backendless to a coded frontend and accoutered Java code directly in your Backendless backend. Once the mobile app is developed one can sign up to the Google Developer account to publish it on the Google App Store. If you’re Android App Development or iOS App Development Company is building an app using Backendless UI Builder, there is one additional step before you are ready to hit the play store. Now you will need to wrap your mobile app in Flutter Shell. This acquiesces your Backendless web app to be published as a native Flutter app on Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

Steps to publish a mobile app on Google App Play Store –

Now that you have reached the stage where you need to finally connect with your customers through your flawless mobile app.

Below mention is the step-by-step process to submit the mobile app on Google App Store –

To upload a mobile app on the Google play store, you need to sign up with a developer account. Initially, developers start with Google Play console, a backend controlling center for publishing their Android, or iOS apps. Developers must pay a one-time fee of $25 to open an account that will additionally offer various features and functions. Details and credentials need to be entered. Once the Google developer account is submitted, it takes about 48 hours for approval.

Does your app support in-app purchases? If yes, then it must be linked to a Google Wallet merchant account.

All you need to do is to sign in to your Google Play Console account to move ahead with the development of a merchant account. The next step is to tap on the “Report” section to select “Financial Report”.

After then, select the ‘Set up a merchant account now’ option and fill in the details. Once the details are filled in, the merchant account will be automatically linked to the Google Play Console account.

Follow the below-mentioned steps to create your app on the Play Store –

  • Tap the ‘Menu’ option and select the ‘All Application’ option.
  • Now click on the ‘Create Application’ option.
  • A drop-down menu will pop up. Now tap on the ‘applications’ option and select the default language from the same.
  • Now enter the app title, and hit the ‘Create’ button option.

Note-The title can be changed later if required!

This step needs you to enter details regarding your mobile app to continue uploading the mobile app on Google Play Store.

Like what?

The windows include the description box option that requires you to add a description of your mobile app. To enter the description of your mobile app, you need to use the keyword density approach for app store optimization. The other detail that needs to add in the description box option is the banner image, screenshot of the tablet device, logo, category & sub-category, Email, phone number, etc.

This step needs you to utilize the files, for example, App Bundle, and submit the same into your mobile app.

  • Go to the Release Management section.
  • Now tap on the ‘App Release’ option.
  • Next, select the ‘release type’ option from the following options –

. Close Test

. Internal Test

. Production Release

. Open Test

  • Now hit the ‘Create Release’ button.
  • Now you’ll be headed to the ‘New Release’ option on the production page. Decide if your mobile app needs signing in or not, and tap on the respective option.
  • Select the ‘Browse Files’ option and follow the instruction given on the screen. Once done, click on the ‘Review’ button option.
  • Now press on the ‘Save’ option for finalization.

Rating your app is very essential step as this might get removed from the store if done otherwise. Thus, this is essential for uploading an app to the Play Store.

To start rating your mobile app, follow the below-mentioned steps –

  • Navigate to the left-side menu option on the screen and select the ‘Content Rating’ option.
  • Hit the ‘Continue’ option button and enter your e-mail address. Once done, now click on the ‘Confirm’ option.
  • Answer the questionnaire and click on the ‘Save Questionnaire’ option once completed.
  • Select the ‘Calculate Rating’ option, and the rating will be updated on the Play Store.
  • Now click on the ‘Apply’ button option to confirm the content rating

This is essential to figure out the countries you are targeting to release your app on Google Play Store.

Why specific countries, you ask?

This is essential as Google does not support the worldwide release of the mobile app, thus, only a few countries need to be selected. Furthermore, this is a significant step, so think, once, twice, or even thrice before deciding whether your mobile app will be free or paid.

Once you have accurately followed all the above steps, it is time to upload the app to the Google Play Store. To publish the app follow the steps –

  • Go to the ‘App Release’ tab option.
  • Now select the ‘Manage Production’ option
  • Hit the ‘Edit Release’ button option.
  • Now click the ‘Review’ option and select the ‘Start rollout to production’ option.
  • Click the ‘Confirm’ option and Bingo!

The mobile app is now successfully uploaded!

Are you excited to see what comes next? Wait for your mobile application to get approved by the Mobile Play Store, as this may take a few hours or days before the mobile app finally gets live!

We hope this blog proves to be helpful for you, to publish your mobile app on the Google App Play store. After submitting the app to the app store, you need to follow an active marketing strategy to attract customers to your app.

To learn more about creating the mobile app or marketing, get in touch with us. We are Android App Development or iOS App Development Company offering the best mobile app solution to businesses globally.